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Used to show multiple values in one field
  • Alpha
  • Not reviewed for accessibility

A TextInputWithTokens component supports all of the features of a TextInput component, but it can render a list of Tokens next to the area a user types in.



Using a different token component

By default, the Token component is used to render the tokens in the input. If this component does not make sense for the kinds of tokens you're rendering, you can pass a component to the tokenComponent prop

Dealing with long lists of tokens

By default, all tokens will be visible when the component is rendered.

If the component is being used in an area where it's height needs to be constrained, there are options to limit the height of the input.

Render tokens on a single line

Set a maximum height for the input

With an error validation status

With leading and trailing visuals

With visuals and loading indicators


tokens Required
The array of tokens to render
onTokenRemove Required
(tokenId: string|number) => void
The function that gets called when a token is removed
TokenThe component used to render each token
The maximum height of the component. If the content in the input exceeds this height, it will scroll vertically
falseWhether tokens should render inline horizontally. By default, tokens wrap to new lines
'small' | 'medium' | 'large' | 'xlarge'
xlargeThe size of the tokens and text input
falseWhether the remove buttons should be rendered in the tokens
'error' | 'success' | 'warning'
Style the input to match the status
The number of tokens to display before truncating
Additional props are passed to the <TextInput> element. See TextInput docs for a list of props accepted by the <TextInput> element. If an as prop is specified, the accepted props will change accordingly.

Adding and removing tokens

The array passed to the tokens prop needs to be manually updated to add and remove tokens.

The function passed to the onRemoveToken prop is called when:

  • Clicking the remove button in the token
  • Pressing the Backspace key when the input is empty
  • Selecting a token using the arrow keys or by clicking on a token and then pressing the Backspace key

There is no function that gets called to "add" a token, so the user needs to be provided with a UI to select tokens.



  • Component props are documented on
  • Component does not have any unnecessary third-party dependencies.
  • Component can adapt to different themes.
  • Component can adapt to different screen sizes.
  • Component has 100% test coverage.


  • Component is used in a production application.
  • Common usage examples are documented on
  • Common usage examples are documented in storybook stories.
  • Component has been reviewed by a systems designer and any resulting issues have been addressed.
  • Component has been manually reviewed by the accessibility team and any resulting issues have been addressed.


  • Component API has been stable with no breaking changes for at least one month.
  • Feedback on API usability has been sought from developers using the component and any resulting issues have been addressed.
  • Component has corresponding design guidelines documented in the interface guidelines.
  • Component has corresponding Figma component in the Primer Web library.